Sunday, 21 April 2013

4 year olds in Hong Kong - The Deep Blue Sea rehearsal

"Give your head a massage" - remember those lines - "We are the jellywish, wobble, wobble, wobble,,,,,,!! Here we have a group of 4 year-old students in a Hong Kong kindergarten at a class rehearsal of "The Deep Blue Sea".  After just 17 hours (17 one-hour lessons), students without any knowledge of English are able to work with their teachers to put together a short pre-school play.
Vice-Principal Fern Kwok from Singapore and Hong Kong teacher Joanna captivates the students with their facial expressions, vocal energy and use of numerous props to support the learning of Drama in Education.

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1998 CHIJ Kellock Upper Primary Students

1998 CHIJ Kellock Upper Primary Students
FIRST in-school enrichment program started in 1998 in CHIJ Kellock with this Upper Primary class. 11 years later, drama classes are conducted worldwide as an after-school activity in many schools. Visit us on our website