Monday 14 March 2011

Reflection from a former student.

I am so proud to receive this testimonial from a former student I trained almost ten years ago. 

"I cannot speak more highly of my experience with Helen O'Grady Children's Drama Academy. I attended Helen O'Grady when I was 15. The practice of dramatic arts greatly enhanced my public speaking and presentation skills. Through fun interactions with the teachers and fellow students, I overcame fear of speaking up in the English language and built a solid sense of ease and confidence when using the language expressively. Till this day, I continue to find my experience with Helen O'Grady making a positive impact on my life as I graduated from Beishida Shiyan High School, went to Beida Law School for college and now on to Notre Dame Law School for my Juris Doctor degree in the United States. I sincerely appreciate having had the opportunity to learn and grow at Helen O'Grady Drama Academy." Fang Yi.

我非常怀念在Helen O’Grady儿童戏剧学校学习的美好经历。我15岁时参加了Helen O’Grady的培训。研习戏剧艺术极大地提高了我的公共演讲及自我表现能力。在与老师、同学轻松有趣的互动中,我不但摆脱了使用英语口语的羞怯,还建立了用英语表达自己的充分自信和舒适感。直至今日,我从北师大实验中学毕业后,在北京大学法学院读本科,以及现在在美国圣母大学法学院攻读法律博士期间,在Helen O’Grady学习戏剧的经历仍然让我不断受益。我非常感谢Helen O’Grady戏剧学校给了我锻炼和成长的宝贵机会。 Fang Yi.

1998 CHIJ Kellock Upper Primary Students

1998 CHIJ Kellock Upper Primary Students
FIRST in-school enrichment program started in 1998 in CHIJ Kellock with this Upper Primary class. 11 years later, drama classes are conducted worldwide as an after-school activity in many schools. Visit us on our website